Advanced add-ons search
Logo | Name | User count | Publisher name | Average rating | Rating count | |
| Edge relevant text changes | 943,943,072 | Microsoft Corporation | 0.00 | 0 | |
| McAfee® WebAdvisor | 27,015,437 | McAfee LLC. | 3.40 | 1,190 | |
| Microsoft Edge DevTools Enhancements | 18,476,800 | Microsoft Corporation | 0.00 | 0 | |
| AdBlock — block ads across the web | 16,228,043 | Adblock, Inc. | 3.90 | 1,454 | |
| Tampermonkey | 14,551,869 | Jan Biniok | 4.90 | 4,841 |
485 results. Page 1 of 20.