Adblock extension that block lot of ads on Youtube immediately
Block Ads on YouTube with Adblock Max
Adblock Max for Youtube™ is a powerful Edge add-on that instantly blocks all types of ads on YouTube, enhancing your viewing experience by removing banners, pop-ups, and preroll ads. It also speeds up video loading and website performance, improving your overall browsing experience on YouTube and external sites where YouTube videos are embedded. Say goodbye to annoying ads and start enjoying ad-free videos today!
Add-on stats
This add-on was removed from Edge Add-on Store on
Manifest V3
- storage
- unlimitedStorage
Size: 441.71K
Other platforms
Not available on Android
Not available on Firefox
User reviews
Works really well. Blocks most ads on YouTube and does not make you watch a black screen for the same amount of time that the ad would run. But some ads still get through and ALL banner ads get through but on the whole this is the best of the 6 or so extensions I have tried today.
by Gary, 2022-08-28
Finally, I can watch videos in peace!
by Laura, 2022-06-21
by 磊, 2022-06-08
Add-on safety
Risk impact
Adblock Max for Youtube™ requires very minimum permissions.
Risk impact analysis details
- High Injects scripts into web pages, which may alter or extract site contents, resulting in a substantial risk.
- Low ******* ****** ** *** ********* ********
Risk likelihood
We don't have sufficient data to confidently determine the risk likelihood of Adblock Max for Youtube™. Use it at your own risk.
Risk likelihood analysis details
- Critical This extension is not longer available in the store
Upgrade to see full risk analysis details