Reviews of Talk-to-ChatGPT

List of user reviews and ratings for Talk-to-ChatGPT

Total ratings

3.40 (Rating count: 10)
See reviews for Talk-to-ChatGPT on Edge Add-on Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.40
All time rating average: 3.40

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Date Author Rating Comment
2024-05-15 Gimmy Not work anymore...
2024-05-14 원상 the button for chatgpt doen't seem to be working. how to fix it?
2024-01-19 sophia the button for chatgpt doen't seem to be working. how to fix it?
2024-01-03 Dylan It's very good with a range of good settings.
2023-12-08 Brayden Could work be done to make this work with bard as well? The capabilities with that ai and this plugin would be incredible.
2023-10-21 Patrick Amazing with elevenlabs! BEST ONE THERE IS! KEEP UP THE AMAZING WORK ON GITHUB!
2023-06-14 Josef For some reason, the TTS pauses several time in the middle of a sentence, so it's not a very good experience. I'm using the same natural MS voices in Edge and it's perfect, so this must be caused by the extension. It's a real shame.
2023-06-11 heath I would like an option to extend the automatic send time. It listens fine, but if you go quiet it sends very quickly and sometimes, I really need to just take a breath and it cuts me off all of the time.
2023-05-27 Gareth Microphone works great, reading aloud the answer is fine too but a little slow. What it needs is to be able to detect different languages so it can switch from reading aloud one language to another. Right now the extension only handles one language at a time
2023-04-23 Clement Awesome! works great. This is the best extension of its kind!