Pride – Progress Pride

Total ratings

4.80 (Rating count: 17)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Edge Add-on Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Beautiful design
  • Adds a rainbow colored taskbar
  • Celebrates LGBTQ community
  • Some users find it offensive
  • Causes controversy
Most mentioned
  • Beautiful design
  • Celebrates LGBTQ community
  • Offensive to some users
See reviews for Pride – Progress Pride on Edge Add-on Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.80
All time rating average: 4.80
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Date Author Rating Comment
2024-05-11 Evelyn OH MY GOD. I love this theme so much, and it is SO pretty! Plus, the new tab area in the top of the page is rainbow, too! No bugs that I have noticed. I hope anyone who is wondering if they should install this should. It's great!
2024-01-21 Lucy One of the best themes on the add-on store.
2023-12-20 james que lindoo<3
2023-12-08 Dan Não tem nada que não fique lindo com diversidade.
2023-08-25 Alissa I Love it. I celebrate the LGBTQ community because I am a part of the community, I am bisexual. But the LGBTQ community is getting so much hate why can people just understand this community the community accepts you for who you are and at the end of the day we all are just humans. So please don't hate my community love the community celebrate the community please.
2023-06-15 Bridget Love it! Works perfectly, great colors, brings JOY when I open the otherwise annoying Chrome/Bing page that I can't avoid when I open a new tab!!
2023-05-22 Tina Look weirdo ********** that don't know if you are boy girl and now I had to look up the word polysexual..freaks wearing heals w bad makeup wigs and taping down goods..stop with shoving your perversion in the faces of society. We ACCEPT YOU OK. BUT DON'T CRAM YOUR MENTAL ILLNESSES AND SICK DEMENTED PERVERTED LONG UGLY TOES BAD FLOOSY MAKEUP MAKES ME WANT TO PUKE HEARING A MAN SPEAK LIKE A WEAK LITTLE GIRL AND SEEING HIS UGLY BONED HARD FACE IN A DRESS DOWN MY THROAT. TAKE YOUR RAINBOWS AND GO THROW UP UNICORNS! I am sick of your oversenstivity and now Roald Dahl's work can't even refer to boy or girl we are ITS because we let these freaks have too much acceptance. Back off!
2022-09-15 River over half of these reviews are just people that don't know when to shut the hell up. Literally nobody cares if you are against the LGBTQIA+ community. This should review the add-on, not your stupidness. Now that that has been said, I love this add-on, it adds a rainbow colored taskbar and I think it is the most awesome way to display your pride with every tab. -River He/They
2022-06-29 Biden @Biden I totally agree with your view!! Kids just don't understand these days am I right? All they worry about now is fitting in with the trend of being gay or a drag queen. UNBELIEVABLE! LOL! Back in my day we didn't have none of this homosexual nonsense. We had to walk to school uphill both ways 5ft of snow with no shoes. GROW A PAIR. Anyways as I was saying. Don't be gay it's a SIN. SINNERS WILL BE BURNED AT THE STAKE. WHITE POWER!!!! GO TRUMP
2022-06-29 Nancy @Biden, both of you I AGREE 💯. This whole "Pride Month" **** is really getting on my nerves. I cannot walk a street nor turn a corner without some rainbow **** getting shoved in my face! It is really ticking me off! I am just an old woman who wants to live a good, Jesus Praising life. I really just can't with the world right now. I am a sweet old lady and there are VERY few things that make me this angry and this is one of them. I hope that soon all of this **** will come to an end. - God Help This Broken World- Nancy.
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