Link preview

Preview any link by hovering on it.

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3.00 (Rating count: 9)
See reviews for Link preview on Edge Add-on Store

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Recent rating average: 2.75
All time rating average: 3.00

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38% (3)
Date Author Rating Comment
2024-05-06 Khoa It's really good and lightweight, should be options to customize the size and to trigger the preview.
2022-08-14 Sylvie Bordèlique , trop nul +++++ Ouvre automatiquement les liens sur la page actuelle sans qu'on lui demande !!! ... effaçant ainsi le travail en cours!! A refaire +++
2021-11-03 R Many of the links would not generate a preview or is disallowed.
2021-05-23 cs 添加一个选项,在中间显示
2021-05-11 Özkan Uzantı çalışmıyor, imleci bağlantının üzerine getirince tıklatmışım gibi o sayfayı açıyor.
2021-04-05 Alex Gostaria de controlar o pop-up também, como tamanho, desaparecer ao sair on mouseover e coisas assim... Mas já ajuda bastante como é agora
2020-08-27 GW very effective tool to go online search, though exist great improvement distance
2020-07-02 Nnamdi It doesn't work Simone 🙄 Was looking forward to this since Chrome had it.