WebSecurity Extension

The browser extension notifies the security status of the website, request the permission to open the domain from malware list.

Total ratings

4.80 (Rating count: 23)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Edge Add-on Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • High level of professionalism and dedication to user education on security
  • Strong privacy features and anti-tracking capabilities contributing to user confidentiality
  • Advanced and efficient threat detection, including phishing protection
  • Responsive customer support and a user-friendly interface
  • Regular updates and resource-efficient operation without impacting browsing speed
    Most mentioned
    • Professionalism and dedication to security
    • Privacy features and anti-tracking
    • Efficient threat detection and phishing protection
    • User education and informative alerts
    • Regular updates and compatibility across browsers
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    User reviews

    Recent rating average: 5.00
    All time rating average: 4.80
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    Date Author Rating Comment
    2024-03-06 Lakita Hello developer I trust you're doing well! Currently, I'm exploring opportunities to grow my business by investing in Chrome extensions. Your extension has caught my attention, and I am genuinely interested in discussing the possibility of acquiring it. We can discuss the price and complete the transaction securely through a reputable escrow services (www.escrow.com or cryptoexchange.com). Google supports the smooth transfer of extension ownership from one account to another, ensuring your gmail account remains unaffected. If you have any inquiries or if this aligns with your plans, feel free to reach out to us via : Whatsapp: +1 6468971986 Skype: live:.cid.7ed1d897457692ce Telegram: @harryysandersonn Looking forward to hearing from you!
    2024-01-11 fanti This extension is very good to use and i have try it out
    2024-01-11 sexxy This extension is very professional and i love it
    2024-01-11 mary Websecurity extension is very amazing and i love using it
    2024-01-11 king Excellent extension
    2024-01-11 hitton Best extension Everly known for security
    2024-01-11 ejec I would love to thank the developer for creating this extension, it really saved the day.
    2024-01-09 mercy The extension not only protects but also educates users about potential threats. The inclusion of informative alerts and resources showcases a commitment to professional user education, empowering individuals to make informed online decisions.
    2024-01-09 jehu WebSecurity Extension prioritizes user privacy with a suite of professional features. Its anti-tracking capabilities and privacy-centric settings contribute to a secure online environment, respecting users' need for confidentiality.
    2024-01-09 iyanu The extension's advanced phishing protection is a testament to its professionalism. It successfully identifies and blocks phishing attempts, showcasing a dedication to protecting users from evolving online threats.
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