Quick create Google Docs™

Quickly open Google Docs apps

Total ratings

4.70 (Rating count: 41)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Edge Add-on Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Very useful for creating Google Docs quickly and efficiently
  • Simple and easy to use interface
  • Great add-on for students
  • Works well for those without Microsoft Word
  • Highly rated by multiple users
  • Does not allow the creation of new documents directly in Edge
  • Needs a more visually appealing design
  • Links could be made into buttons for easier clicking
Most mentioned
  • Ease of use
  • Utility for frequent Google Docs users
  • Desire for improved aesthetics and functionality
  • Limitation on creating new documents directly
See reviews for Quick create Google Docs™ on Edge Add-on Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.60
All time rating average: 4.70
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Date Author Rating Comment
2024-11-05 arftain Would be better if it was changed back into a smaller format size with a darker background. Overall, does not work as described and only allows you to open google docs/sheets/slides/forms (cannot create new documents on Edge)
2024-02-12 Jamie So easy to make docs now, and I use docs A TON, so very very useful. It is so simple yet I use it everyday. I would rate 6 stars if I could. I have one small minor problem... Can you change the links to buttons, so it is easier to click?
2024-01-01 Hans-Jürgen alles super
2023-09-02 Huy Đang cần những tính năng như này, tiện ích quá đỉnh
2023-08-05 Lan 5c5810fd.weaksharedptr.com注册送永久流量的,专线支持GPT,可以试试,节点多,又快又稳,晚高峰看8K视频完全不卡!(手机电脑全平台互通)
2022-06-10 huang 非常棒!!! 打完分能不能去掉那个“请给我们打分” 的选项呢? 谢谢开发者大大们!
2022-02-23 Marvello 10/10
2022-02-06 John Great add-on. This is a super useful add-on, especially if one doesn't have Microsoft "Word" on their computer. This add-on is easy to use. No problems.
2022-01-20 Onur Daha estetik bir görünüm olabilirdi. İşlevselliğine lafım yok.
2021-09-08 Jorge Excelent
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