Theme & Color Changer for Youtube™

Change color theme on YouTube™ to any colors you like! Create your own custom color theme

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4.00 (Rating count: 3)
See reviews for Theme & Color Changer for Youtube™ on Edge Add-on Store

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Recent rating average: 4.00
All time rating average: 4.00

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Date Author Rating Comment
2024-07-27 Lawful Very nice extention that lets you set the colors to whatever hex code color you want, but i am having a small glitch where letters typed in the search bar are invisible, and the triangle in the YouTube logo is also invisible, but i don't mind it, just a small glitch. Edit: 7/27/2024 - YouTube had an update recently that messed up the extention while watching videos, it was like this for a few weeks, but it seems to have been fixed. The invisible letters in the search bar is still happening, but i don't mind that.
2023-09-30 chris Not a bad little tool. I really only want it for a 'not quite dark mode' option. Its a shame the youtube logo on the page isnt preserved in its proper color. *update* unfortunately the header colour seems to make the search bar text entry invisible, which is sort of a deal breaker.
2023-08-28 nasser it's good but need some useful updates to be awesome and excellent for most of users