Enhance Google™ search with infinite scroll, server country icons, "View Image" and "Download Image" buttons, and more.
Enhance Your Google Search
Search Enhancer for Google™ is a comprehensive Edge add-on that adds infinite scroll, favicons, server locations, "View image" button, "Download image" button and numerous other features to enhance your Google search experience.
Add-on stats
Manifest V3
- scripting
- storage
- downloads
Host permissions:
- https://s2.googleusercontent.com/*
- https://favicon.yandex.net/*
- https://icons.duckduckgo.com/*
- https://t0.gstatic.com/*
- https://t1.gstatic.com/*
- https://t2.gstatic.com/*
- https://t3.gstatic.com/*
- *://www.google.com/*
- *://www.google.ad/*
- *://www.google.ae/*
Size: 2.84M
URLs: Privacy policy
Full description: See detailed description
Other platforms
Not available on Android
Not available on Firefox
User reviews
Works great, use it mostly to view images in Google image search results
September 4th 2022
by Violet, 2022-09-04
Add-on safety
Risk impact
Search Enhancer for Google™ requires a lot of sensitive permissions. Exercise caution before installing.
Risk impact analysis details
- Critical Request access to the following domains: googleusercontent.com, yandex.net, duckduckgo.com, gstatic.com, google.com, google.ad, google.ae, com.af, com.ag, com.ai, google.am, co.ao, com.ar, google.as, google.at, com.au, google.az, google.ba, com.bd, google.be, google.bf, google.bg, com.bh, google.bi, google.bj, com.bn, com.bo, com.br, google.bs, co.bw, google.by, com.bz, google.ca, google.cd, google.cf, google.cg, google.ch, google.ci, co.ck, google.cl, google.cm, google.cn, com.co, co.cr, com.cu, google.cv, com.cy, google.cz, google.de, google.dj, google.dk, google.dm, com.do, google.dz, com.ec, google.ee, com.eg, google.es, com.et, google.fi, com.fj, google.fm, google.fr, google.ga, google.ge, google.gg, com.gh, com.gi, google.gl, google.gm, google.gp, google.gr, com.gt, google.gy, com.hk, google.hn, google.hr, google.ht, google.hu, co.id, google.ie, co.il, google.im, co.in, google.iq, google.is, google.it, google.je, com.jm, google.jo, co.jp, co.ke, com.kh, google.ki, google.kg, co.kr, com.kw, google.kz, google.la, com.lb, google.li, google.lk, co.ls, google.lt, google.lu, google.lv, com.ly, co.ma, google.md, google.me, google.mg, google.mk, google.ml, google.mn, google.ms, com.mt, google.mu, google.mv, google.mw, com.mx, com.my, co.mz, com.na, com.nf, com.ng, com.ni, google.ne, google.nl, google.no, com.np, google.nr, google.nu, co.nz, com.om, com.pa, com.pe, com.ph, com.pk, google.pl, google.pn, com.pr, google.ps, google.pt, com.py, com.qa, google.ro, google.ru, google.rw, com.sa, com.sb, google.sc, google.se, com.sg, google.sh, google.si, google.sk, com.sl, google.sn, google.so, google.sm, google.st, com.sv, google.td, google.tg, co.th, com.tj, google.tk, google.tl, google.tm, google.tn, google.to, com.tr, google.tt, com.tw, co.tz, com.ua, co.ug, co.uk, com.uy, co.uz, com.vc, co.ve, google.vg, co.vi, com.vn, google.vu, google.ws, google.rs, co.za, co.zm, co.zw, google.cat
- High ******* ******* **** *** ****** ***** *** ***** ** ******* **** ********* ********* ** * *********** *****
- Medium ****** ********** ** ******** ********** *** ********* ******* ******** ****** ******** ****** ********
Risk likelihood
We don't have sufficient data to confidently determine the risk likelihood of Search Enhancer for Google™. Use it at your own risk.
Risk likelihood analysis details
- High This extension has low user count. Unpopular extensions may not be stable or safe.
- Medium **** ********* *** ******* ** *** **** * ******* *** ******* *** *** ** ****** ** *****
- Low **** ********* *** ***** **** **** * ****** **** ***** ********** *** **** ****** ** ** ****** *** *****
- Good **** ********* *** **** **** *******
Upgrade to see full risk analysis details