Tab Groups Extension

Automatically group tabs, save tabs/groups, and provide shortcuts for tabs/groups.

Total ratings

4.50 (Rating count: 75)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Edge Add-on Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Great for organizing tabs
  • Helps with psychological well-being by reducing clutter
  • Allows moving tabs to other windows
  • Useful for exporting/importing tab groups
  • Automatic tab grouping feature
  • No search function for tab groups
  • Cannot name tab groups, leading to confusion
  • Tabs load inconsistently upon browser startup
  • Auto grouping for single tabs is inconvenient
  • Lack of multi-device sync options
Most mentioned
  • Automatic tab grouping
  • Need for group naming and customization
  • Issues with tabs loading on startup
  • Desire for better user control over grouping rules
  • Request for sync or backup features
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.50
All time rating average: 4.50
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Date Author Rating Comment
2025-02-24 Serene 注册就送永久流量!多节点,还稳定,看美剧、直播、P站、推特、YouTube等完全不卡!真的快!免费试用快冲!!(手机电脑全平台互通)
2025-02-23 abiola 注册就送永久流量!多节点,还稳定,看美剧、直播、P站、推特、YouTube等完全不卡!真的快!免费试用快冲!!(手机电脑全平台互通)
2025-01-29 Khalid Thank you for this i came here from firefox and your addon really helped my psychological well being thank you
2025-01-08 xkak 只有一个标签,你就别分组了啊。例如,我开了ABC3个网站(不同域名),你还给我分三个组,我还展开折叠的去找,多麻烦呢。
2025-01-01 Mark I really enjoy this, just one frustration... Is there a way to prevent it from auto-loading to the browser where you are selected? For example, if I have two browser windows open, and I click refresh on a tab and switch to the other window, it will refresh onto the other window automatically (which is annoying). I will work on one tab and whilst it refreshes (say for saving something) and then I move to the other window to do something else, the refresh page will move.
2024-12-04 Ashish Cons: - no search function - cannto give windows names, so hard to know what windows you moving tab to. Pros: - 'move to other window' is great, cause edge does not have this feature.
2024-11-08 Skylar Really useful, but I would like very much if there were a way to export/import tab groups
2024-11-06 Wolfram Thanks a lot for developing this, I've had a desire for workable shortcuts for groups for a long time by now, and this does the trick. Two things I'd enjoy in the future: 1. A shortcut for group renaming, so as to quickly name a newly created group; 2. A quick "Add tab to group N" shortcuts, even though getting the hang of assigning tabs without it has a cool part to it
2024-10-28 Stanley Works great! Only thing I'm missing is dark theme support.
2024-09-05 Kristin Awesome extension, just one thing: Automatic Tab Grouping has one problem, it creates a group even if there is only one tab for a given domain. That is a bit inconvenient. Can you please add an option to only create a group if more than one tab is there to group? Thanks a lot
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