Search Tool

Quickly switch between customized search engines; Add a custom search engine in the right-click menu.

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4.20 (Rating count: 6)
See reviews for Search Tool on Edge Add-on Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.17
All time rating average: 4.20

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Date Author Rating Comment
2024-01-26 Josef I really appreciate this extension as it includes a lot of the features I wanted. But there are two things stopping me from giving it a full thumbs-up. The first issue is that I can't get search results to open in a new tab, even though I've turned on 'Popup' in the settings. The other problem is with the icon – it disappears against my dark-themed browser, leaving an awkward empty spot on my toolbar.
2023-06-07 Robin 请使用最新版:
2023-04-05 能不能设置成enter键打开新标签页
2022-11-11 sh 不能后台新标签打开
2022-10-07 Robin If you like it, please give a comment, thanks!
2022-09-19 seeyo 简单实用,还有完善空间,提几个建议。 1、只开启一个搜索引擎的情况下搜索功能会失灵、按回车或者点击搜索按钮都没反应,开启两个以上就恢复正常了,希望修复下。 2、建议点击搜索引擎图标仅切换默认搜索引擎,而不是直接进入搜索引擎主页。用户想进搜索引擎主页直接输网址就好了,不会在这里进入,大多数都是随时切换默认搜索引擎随时使用(切换搜索引擎同时更换搜索词)。 3、google建议直接用com而不是hk。 4、建议搜索引擎可以拖动排序。 5、插件栏图标右键菜单点击“搜索助手”文字没有跳转到插件页而是跳到了EfficientOfficeTools这个github页面,修复下。