UI+ for Omegle

UI+ for Omegle is a browser extension that improves the Omegle UI and makes it more modern.

Total ratings

5.00 (Rating count: 2)
See reviews for UI+ for Omegle on Edge Add-on Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 5.00
All time rating average: 5.00

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Date Author Rating Comment
2023-10-24 Arif Overall, I'm very impressed with UI+ for Omegle. It's a great extension that makes the Omegle website more modern and user-friendly. I highly recommend it to anyone who uses Omegle regularly.
2023-10-24 Md I've been using Omegle for a while now, and I've always found the UI to be a bit outdated and clunky. UI+ for Omegle fixes all of that. It gives the website a fresh new look and feel, and it makes it much easier to use.