Tabs aside

Classic Microsoft Edge "Tabs Aside" feature

Total ratings

4.40 (Rating count: 102)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Edge Add-on Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Useful tool to manage tabs in Edge
  • Well-designed and functional as a replacement for lost Edge features
  • Helps users organize tabs effectively for various tasks
  • Great for users who need to set aside multiple tabs quickly
  • Occasional responsiveness issues reported
  • Lacks the ability to move individual tabs between groups
  • No clear way to restore tabs aside from history
  • Absence of a user guide for inexperienced users
Most mentioned
  • Need for additional features like moving tabs between groups
  • Desire for a single tab aside option
  • Request for a search bar to find specific tabs
  • Frustration with error messages regarding too many tabs aside
  • Need for features that restore history along with tabs
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.60
All time rating average: 4.40
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Date Author Rating Comment
2025-02-23 abiola 注册就送永久流量!多节点,还稳定,看美剧、直播、P站、推特、YouTube等完全不卡!真的快!免费试用快冲!!(手机电脑全平台互通)
2023-10-24 沛廷 这个小工具很好用,解决了新版Edge缺失的这个功能。Edge最近更新后这个工具打不开本地文件了,要设置一下,在“管理扩展”里面点详细信息-允许访问本地文件URL。给本地PDF整理分组对写论文的人太重要了。
2023-08-23 John 来自香港,全球互联,8k视频随你看,注册及送永久流量,地址:
2023-08-19 Jonny I really like it. Only one thing is missing I think: to restore tab groups.
2023-07-19 威树 已经不更新了吗?
2023-03-07 Phúc Hi there, this is such a great extension but. Can y'all develop a feature that can set ONLY ONE TAB aside? It's helpful sometimes when I need to separate tabs based on their task.
2023-03-02 Ecrop 是否能将新版本带到这里?
2022-10-29 Muhammed Really good and well-designed extension. Would be even better if you could (a) move tabs between different groups (b) add an open tab to an existing group without opening that group
2022-05-07 心语 这个原来很好用的,这段时间经常出现无响应的情况,能否更新修正下bug,辛苦攻城狮啦
2022-05-05 Kevin Bloody great extension, Been using it for a long time and its pretty useful, thanks for adding this back into edge!
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