Edge to Chrome for Google Search

Impersonate Google Chrome while using Google search. This may help reduce CAPTCHAs and other nefarious Google activities

Edge to Chrome for Google Search: Edge Add-On

The 'Edge to Chrome for Google Search' is an extension for Microsoft Edge that makes it simulate Google Chrome while using Google's search engine. It updates 4 headers to achieve this. Benefits include a possible reduction in CAPTCHA interruptions and not being nagged to install Chrome. This can be particularly useful for users who have encountered issues or annoyances while using Google Search on Microsoft Edge. The extension is open-source and its code is accessible on Github.

Add-on stats

Manifest V3
Rating: 4.20
Version: 0.1 Beta (Last updated: 2023-01-03)
Version code: 0.1
Creation date: 2023-01-03
  • declarativeNetRequest
  • declarativeNetRequestWithHostAccess
Host permissions:
  • *://*.google.com/*
  • *://*.google.ad/*
  • *://*.google.ae/*
  • *://*.google.com.af/*
  • *://*.google.com.ag/*
  • *://*.google.com.ai/*
  • *://*.google.al/*
  • *://*.google.am/*
  • *://*.google.co.ao/*
  • *://*.google.com.ar/*
  • See more
Size: 22.62K
Full description: See detailed description

Other platforms

Not available on Chrome
Not available on Android
Not available on Firefox

User reviews

One word: perfect. Fourteen words: Can you make it for Gmail as well? That one bothers me even more! Edit: scratch that, it already does work for Gmail and pretty much all other Google services I tried, thanks!
by Daniel, 2024-05-21

edge microsoft y google chrome,son lo maximo,5 estrellas.
by roosell, 2024-03-29

Perfect. Just like in google chrome browser, I am able to see the "Generative AI experimental" feature on top of my search results while doing google search in edge browser.
by JAISHANKAR, 2023-11-14
View all user reviews

Add-on safety

Risk impact

Edge to Chrome for Google Search requires a lot of sensitive permissions. Exercise caution before installing.

Risk impact analysis details
  • Critical Request access to the following domains: google.com, google.ad, google.ae, com.af, com.ag, com.ai, google.al, google.am, co.ao, com.ar, google.as, google.at, com.au, google.az, google.ba, com.bd, google.be, google.bf, google.bg, com.bh, google.bi, google.bj, com.bn, com.bo, com.br, google.bs, google.bt, co.bw, google.by, com.bz, google.ca, google.cd, google.cf, google.cg, google.ch, google.ci, co.ck, google.cl, google.cm, google.cn, com.co, co.cr, com.cu, google.cv, com.cy, google.cz, google.de, google.dj, google.dk, google.dm, com.do, google.dz, com.ec, google.ee, com.eg, google.es, com.et, google.fi, com.fj, google.fm, google.fr, google.ga, google.ge, google.gg, com.gh, com.gi, google.gl, google.gm, google.gr, com.gt, google.gy, com.hk, google.hn, google.hr, google.ht, google.hu, co.id, google.ie, co.il, google.im, co.in, google.iq, google.is, google.it, google.je, com.jm, google.jo, co.jp, co.ke, com.kh, google.ki, google.kg, co.kr, com.kw, google.kz, google.la, com.lb, google.li, google.lk, co.ls, google.lt, google.lu, google.lv, com.ly, co.ma, google.md, google.me, google.mg, google.mk, google.ml, com.mm, google.mn, google.ms, com.mt, google.mu, google.mv, google.mw, com.mx, com.my, co.mz, com.na, com.ng, com.ni, google.ne, google.nl, google.no, com.np, google.nr, google.nu, co.nz, com.om, com.pa, com.pe, com.pg, com.ph, com.pk, google.pl, google.pn, com.pr, google.ps, google.pt, com.py, com.qa, google.ro, google.ru, google.rw, com.sa, com.sb, google.sc, google.se, com.sg, google.sh, google.si, google.sk, com.sl, google.sn, google.so, google.sm, google.sr, google.st, com.sv, google.td, google.tg, co.th, com.tj, google.tl, google.tm, google.tn, google.to, com.tr, google.tt, com.tw, co.tz, com.ua, co.ug, co.uk, com.uy, co.uz, com.vc, co.ve, google.vg, co.vi, com.vn, google.vu, google.ws, google.rs, co.za, co.zm, co.zw, google.cat, youtube.com, gstatic.com, googleusercontent.com, ytimg.com, googleapis.com
Risk likelihood

We don't have sufficient data to confidently determine the risk likelihood of Edge to Chrome for Google Search. Use it at your own risk.

Risk likelihood analysis details
  • High This extension has low user count. Unpopular extensions may not be stable or safe.
  • Low **** ********* *** ******* **** **** * ****** **** ***** ******** *** **** ****** ** ** ****** *** *****
  • Low **** ********* *** ***** **** **** * ****** **** ***** ********** *** **** ****** ** ** ****** *** *****
  • Good **** ********* *** **** **** *******
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