Reviews of Chesscheat

List of user reviews and ratings for Chesscheat

Total ratings

3.50 (Rating count: 10)

Review summary

  • It works perfectly for many users
  • Users express love and appreciation for the extension
  • It provides a very competitive advantage in games
  • The bot struggles with castling moves, leading to confusion
  • The extension requires refreshing when changing colors (from black to white, for example)
  • Some users report glitches that affect gameplay, such as losses to higher-ELO players
Most mentioned
  • The issue with castling moves
  • The need to refresh the extension when changing colors
  • User appreciation for the overall functionality of the extension
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for Chesscheat on Edge Add-on Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.40
All time rating average: 3.50

Rating filters

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20% (2)
Date Author Rating Comment
2025-02-05 Kirill I LOVE IT THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2025-02-03 john you need to change the address from https// to https//
2025-01-08 Samuel Funktioniert perfekt!!
2024-09-30 Boy works perfect
2024-09-28 Bjørn It wins most of the time but it has a flaw. it cant show castling. Whenever it wants to castle it just says to move the king one square towards the rook wich is confusing and you have to guess if its trying to castle or move the king, wich is kind of annoying. I also did loose a game with this to a 1755 elo, idk if it was glitching out or something but that shouldnt happen. I think what you should do is instead of giving the bot 0.1 seconds to think of a move, let it take its time. I would suggest adding a option where you can write the max amount of seconds the bot is allowed to think, that way you can change it, for example 2/3 secs in blitz games and 12/15 in rapid. I lost another game.
2024-09-14 Aaditya The only problem is That it show the squares that where we have to move
2024-05-31 THE Yes , As Swayam said pls fix it I am Anush from hydrabad and we are friends and we were testing this extenshion and we find out so we both friends are giving this review to you , please help it out and we friends test every extenshion and give review, If you like our review then pls mark as helpful
2024-05-31 Swayam Hey there , your extension is super amazing , but also a problem that I need to refresh everytime if I changed the color like (if I was playing black and then next match I got white then I need to refresh and restart the hack to change it ) pls fix it guys Pls , I am from Indian , Hyderabad
2024-05-09 alex works good
2024-04-07 Connor not working for me idk how to get it up