Tab Redirect

Set a page for the newtab button.

Total ratings

3.50 (Rating count: 11)
See reviews for Tab Redirect on Edge Add-on Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.88
All time rating average: 3.50

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38% (3)
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50% (4)
Date Author Rating Comment
2025-02-23 Daniel Works great. Microsoft doing everything in its power to scare you off this extension.
2024-04-25 Matthew Stick with NEW TAB REDIRECT (Chrome extension - allow extensions from other stores in Edge). This extension DOES NOT DO ANYTHING WHEN YOU CLICK ITS ICON in the Edge toolbar? Once enabled/activated it merely redirects any new tab to (not when you click the icon even), so it just swaps one DEVIL for a WORSE DEVIL. Seriously, it should let you enter any URL you want, but if not, at least lock it into edge://settings/help so that Edge is always checking for updates on launch. YO, MARCUS!!!!
2023-07-30 Rudolf Great!
2023-06-30 svc_webjobs No way to specify url for redirect.
2022-11-15 Ewen, Appreciate this gets me away from that hot mess of a default Edge page. However -- how do I set it to a new default home page? It now redirects to Google, but not sure how to change it.
2022-03-13 Gabe Finally a way around Edge. Thank you for this extension!
2021-08-27 Preet h i
2020-06-17 Edd Only page it seems to redirect to is google, no obvious way to specify an alternative.