Blackbox - Select. Copy. Paste & Search

Fastest Way to Copy Text from Videos & Images

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1.70 (Rating count: 9)
See reviews for Blackbox - Select. Copy. Paste & Search on Edge Add-on Store

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Recent rating average: 1.25
All time rating average: 1.70

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2025-01-18 Hannah I posted 'bout Blackbox on several other sites. "CFO" even DMd me. They claim to have 10M users yet not featured in the VSCode Ext Store or on the 1st 10 or 11 pages. Their Ext has links to GitHub accts that aren't theirs. It has lines of code that point to DEAD Oracle IPs that the code says is an API endpoint. If you load their CyberCodersAgent, it opens a vscodium w/Monaco clone inside of a sandboxed devcontainer, which also contains a docker file and leverages codesandbox and claimed it was VSCode till I called them out, and get this the sandbox runs in the browser AND THEIR EXTENSIONS IS PREINSTALLED and to get a pro account you have to allow a popup that auto opens a tab to your email client. Yet they send several emails per day offering free pro subscriptions. None of the links on their parent page do much of anything, in fact they just put the site up not long ago. All Links go to their AI Chat...WHICH IS FREE ACROSS THE BOARD...don't have time to research more ATM.
2025-01-18 kathirvel can't sign in it shows blank screen
2023-04-09 anas لا انصح به سيئ جدا دفعت نص اموالي عليه وبالنهاية يعطيني الاكواد كلها غلط
2023-03-27 仝昭元 This mod will make google map crash...
2023-02-15 Udson não é mais gratuito.
2023-01-23 Peter nice nar.
2023-01-13 Richard Not sure why every time I restart my browser after updates a tab always opens up to their site.
2023-01-06 Noah Bruh it sucks becuase it directs you to its own website and all website exept for a few are blocked on my pc can you make it like an extension page like lastpass does