Mute Tab

Easily mute all tabs with just one click!

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4.40 (Rating count: 5)
See reviews for Mute Tab on Edge Add-on Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.25
All time rating average: 4.40

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Date Author Rating Comment
2024-12-10 Lee This extension kills Edge's "media autoplay = block" setting. I don't want audio or video to automatically start playing when a new tab gets loaded. Yet this extension disabled the media autoplay setting instead effectively forcing "media autoplay = allow". No thanks. I'll find another extension to mute new tabs by default. If there was an equivalent to "Mute sites by default" that I use in Firefox, I'd use it in Edge. This is not an equivalent extension, and it interferes with the autoplay setting in Edge. I get the features of this extension, but at the expense of ignoring "media autoplay = block".
2022-04-18 Phil I dont know why Edge doesnt have this feature to mute by default, or to remember the sites that you have muted. But each time you load Edge it seems to allow all sites to use audio. Even if you have the autoplay setting set to Block. This extension fixes this. Thanks!
2021-11-08 liv 神器啊!这是我用过最好的静音插件!
2021-07-16 Arno 简洁 好用 good