Blank Tab

Makes the New Tab page a truly blank page which uses no scripts. It also supports light and dark mode.

Total ratings

4.60 (Rating count: 11)
See reviews for Blank Tab on Edge Add-on Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.43
All time rating average: 4.60

Rating filters

5 star
86% (6)
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1 star
14% (1)
Date Author Rating Comment
2025-02-20 海豹 非常棒! 我真的受够了edge本身的标签页! 这个插件完美的解决了问题!
2022-12-28 Henry Source is no longer clearly linked to, and privacy policy changed to no longer reflect privacy-focused views. Accordingly, I must reduce my rating from five stars to one. OLD REVIEW: No unnecessary permissions, no scripts, open source, simple ... PERFECT
2021-12-09 Дмитрий Most helpful extension. Save my memory and mental health.
2021-03-21 brahim exellent
2021-01-13 Shane It is exactly what it claims, a minimal dark blank new tab page, without annoying javascript spy code, PERFECT.
2020-09-16 Kieran Does exactly what it says it does. Thanks!
2020-09-15 Hossam very good .unlike others active only in new tab