Edge add-on with keyword - plastic bottles

View results for plastic bottles in Edge Add-on Store
Keyword difficulty: 1

Keywords are the words and phrases that users enter into Edge Add-on Store to search to discover an Edge add-on. High ranking keywords will generate higher impressions. Paid members can use our add keyword form to add more keywords to be tracked.

2 results. Page 1 of 1.
#1 surfclear
Search Media Ltd
Replace your usual search engine with Surf Clear and for every 10 searches we will remove one plastic bottle from the Ocean.
0.00 (0)
#2 OceanHero: Save Our Oceans by Surfing the Web
Our environment friendly new tab sets your search bar to OceanHero. With each search you protect the ocean and reduce plastic waste.
4.60 (9)
2 results. Page 1 of 1.