Edge add-on with keyword - menu

View results for menu in Edge Add-on Store
Keyword difficulty: 41

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200 results. Page 1 of 8.
#1 Context menu for Google Translate
Context menu for Google Translate
Simple tool that enabled Google translate via context menu Fast and easy
5.00 (2,196)
#2 Translate Item
Translate Item
Translate context menu item
5.00 (2,738)
#3 Black Menu for Google™
Carlos Jeurissen
The easiest access to the Google universe
4.70 (52)
#4 TransSloth for Google Translate
Centric Google Translate Ctx
Easy Google Translate access with Context Menu
5.00 (2,899)
#5 Quick Bookmarks Menu
Quick access to bookmarks or favorites.
4.30 (83)
#6 Google Search Context Menu
Adds 'Search using Google Search' to the context menu
3.20 (6)
#7 Tweet from Context Menu
Roman Davydov
Use the right-click menu to tweet selected text
0.00 (0)
#8 Google Search Context Menu
Patrick Lomasney
Adds a context menu to search selected text with Google.
5.00 (2)
#9 Tab Menu Node
Shawn Cheng
the tab menu will appear after double click middle button
0.00 (0)
#10 Image Formatter: Save as PNG JPG
Save Image As PNG JPG Formats
Image Formatter: Simplify Saving – PNG, JPG, WEBP Options from Context Menu
5.00 (3,320)
#11 TMDM - The Missing Downloads Menu
Gino Messmer
This extension adds a menu that displays all your downloaded files next to your address bar.
3.90 (10)
#12 Download Image from Context Menu
Erisa A
Adds a context (Right click) menu item to images which allows you to directly download them without a prompt.
4.40 (11)
#13 Black Menu for Wikipedia
Carlos Jeurissen
Easy access to the Wikipedia universe
4.70 (6)
#14 Unblock right click
Unblock right click
Unblock right click: Disable right click prevention on web sites. Allow copy, right click, context menu, and selection
5.00 (2,527)
#15 Extension Menu
List and search for your favorite extensions with ease.
0.00 (0)
#16 Sublime Copy
Sublime Copy
Unblock Copy, Right Click, Select, and Context Menu on Your Terms, Absolutely Free!
5.00 (3,535)
#17 Supreme Copy
Supreme copy
Supreme copy: allow copy on web sites with copy protection: allow right click, unblock context menu.
5.00 (2,876)
#18 Panda Express Menu Price Tracker
azhar abbas
Tracks menu prices for Panda Express.
0.00 (0)
#19 Refresh always in Menu
Luke Vo
Add a Refresh option in Context Menu which is always there no matter where you right click
0.00 (0)
#20 DownloadAs Save image as Type
Download As PNG JPG
Download image as PNG or JPG with context menu, Save image as Type, for WebP haters
5.00 (2,739)
#21 Superior allow copy
Superior allow copy
Allow context menu, right click, allow copy, selection on web sites that prevent it
5.00 (1,630)
#22 Bookmark Manager - Organize Bookmarks Menu
Bookmark Manager
The best bookmark manager that tool organize, manage your bookmarks with fuzzy search and more.
4.00 (5)
#23 Quick Menu for Browser™
Free Software Apps
Quickly access and use Google services right from the Chrome browser
0.00 (0)
#24 QuicKey – The quick tab switcher
Add keyboard shortcuts to switch tabs with a Quicksilver-style search or a most recently used menu
4.70 (25)
#25 Super allow copy
Super Allow Copy
Allow copy on web sites with copy protection Allow right click, context menu, selection and allow copy
5.00 (3,090)
200 results. Page 1 of 8.